

  1. Hopefully and you can guide me, I would like to send mezcal to Milan from Cancun but I am stopped by knowing ... ..that obstacles I would find to get it out of customs.
    Isn't it that you need to apply for a permit before sending it?
    Thank you so much

    1. Ariadna, don't despair! Everything that has to do with imports to the EU has been thought out and contemplated. In fact, a tool has been developed for anyone who wants to import, which helps to locate procedures, rights, etc., so that you find out everything before importing and not when paying. We have uploaded a note with a video on our facebook page. Take a look. I think it will help you.

      I hope you give us your “Like” on the Facebook page 🙂 Let me know how you are doing and do not hesitate to ask for any questions you have. Greetings!

  2. Hi.
    My wife and I are Mexican and have lived in Germany for four and a half years. I am an architect and also my wife and I are visual artists. I would like to know if the works of art are exempt from import-export duties or taxes. Specifically, we will probably need to send some paintings from Germany to Mexico soon. What procedures would have to be carried out?

    1. We imported Greek Byzantine icons to Mexico in 2000 with our import-export company and back then, there were no tariffs on artwork, at least not for the guy we handled. But that was many years ago.

      From what I see now, basically, what they have to do is notify Mexican customs that the works to be exported or imported are not subject to the provisions of the Federal Law on Monuments and Archaeological, Artistic Zones. and Historical. This is done at the Single Window of Mexican Foreign Trade (VUCEM), following this link: https://www.ventanillaunica.gob.mx/ventanilla-gobMx/inicioGobMX.action?tramite=270101
      What he will need to take care of is his e. Signature because it is not done with the RFC. The VLCUEM gives you a response in 5 to 7 business days.

      Regarding tariffs, I am not very sure if you have to pay something since most likely the rate has to do with the tariff fraction to which the work of art that they want to import belongs. First, I would speak with the Mexican embassy to see what information I could get and if they have any contact with companies that are in charge of imports and exports, who will surely know how to locate them even better.

      Check here for all the details: https://tramites.inba.gob.mx/INBA_04_001.html

      I hope the information is useful for you. Thanks for reading.

      I wish you good luck!

  3. Excellent and very pertinent article !!! I am going to allow myself to share it (and the page) within the group of the Economic Chamber of Mexico in France… Greetings!

  4. I am interested in this topic as soon as you have more information send me news
    Thank you

    1. Don't worry Ana, we will have our eyes wide open on the subject. What you can do to get the news to you as quickly as possible is to subscribe to our site to have personal contact with you. I appreciate your time and send you many greetings.

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